Jeanette Simpson

Director of Children’s Ministry

My faith journey began at the age of 7 when I came to know Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I felt God calling me into ministry in my senior year of high school. I then went to Charleston Southern University where I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Youth Ministry with a minor in Psychology. I have over two decades of experience in Children’s Ministry.

I have a love and desire for learning and continuing education! I am an alum (2019) of the CDM Children’s Ministry Certification Program as well as some Certification Plus courses. I received my MDiv from LAMP Theological Seminary. I also have the honor of being a member on the PCA CDM’s Children’s Ministry Leadership Team.

I am married to my best friend and life-long ministry partner, Roger. Together, we enjoy flying, spending time with family and friends, and spoiling our nieces and nephews. I also enjoy shopping, reading, and playing bassoon. I love and try my best to live by Colossians 3:17!