Ukraine Updates
We will be updating this information frequently to share ideas on how to help our friends in Ukraine. The prayer guide below is updated weekly.
*To read a daily update from the Presbyterian Church in America’s (PCA) mission organization, Mission to the World (MTW), click the button below. The update is posted late every afternoon.
If you go to the link above, you may give through MTW to a special fund that has been created to provide food, shelter, and other ministry for missionaries on the ground and our partner churches in Ukraine which will be used for ongoing PCA ministries with Ukrainians.
* In addition, Sam and Lizzie Goodwin serve as Member Care Coordinators for MTW Europe which includes Ukraine. They are taking part in daily update zoom meetings in that capacity and will keep us informed if there is additional information which is appropriate to share with our congregation.
The Voice of Ukraine website below documents first person accounts of Ukrainians and a ZOOM link to the Wednesday MTW Ukraine Crisis Briefings.