SAPC’s Youth Ministry is all about growing closer to Christ and the primary way we do that is in community:
We fellowship, worship, grow, and pray together.
We also follow the mission of SAPC by encouraging the youth to joyfully know Jesus Christ, love Him more, and serve Him better. We pray that our youth will be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ, and we provide ways for them to Worship, Connect, Grow, and Serve!

Sunday Morning
9:15a Growth Classes
The youth are going through James using the S.O.A.P method. Our goal is to help the youth know how to study Scripture and apply it to their lives, and learn how to pray using the Scriptures. We will be separated into three different classes.
1. Middle School – Youth Worship Room
2. High School Girls – Room 120
3. High School Guys – Room 122
Sunday Evening
Youth Praise Team 5:00-6:00p
The Youth Praise Team spends an hour on Sunday evenings rehearsing and learning new songs in preparation for providing the music for youth group on Wednesday evenings. We also play from time to time in Sunday Morning Worship and have a few other opportunities to lead our church family.
Youth Choir and Games 6:00-7:00p
All youth (7th-12th grade) are encouraged to participate in Youth Choir and Games. Learn how to read music, follow choral arrangements, and lead worship through song. This is also a wonderful time for fellowship among the youth as we spend time playing games together.
First Night Fellowship 7:00-8:30p
On the first Sunday of the month, join us for First Night Fellowship, a special time of connecting and fun. The location will be communicated every month via email.

Wednesday Nights
5:30p Supper
6:00-7:30p Youth Group Activities
We hope you will join us for Youth Group. The night begins with a fun, group game! Our Youth Praise Team leads us in a time of singing, and we then move into our lesson time, followed by small groups. Currently we are doing a rotation of the following: Theology 101 for Youth, The Attributes of God, and Questions About Christianity.
Other Opportunities
Mission Journeys
Each year, our youth have an opportunity to serve on a week-long mission trip. On our mission journeys, students lead VBS-style back yard Bible clubs, play games, perform skits, and help with crafts and songs. We also do work projects to support people in the communities we serve.
Special Events
Throughout the year we enjoy many fun events including lake parties, football games, late nights, Carowinds, retreats, bowling, board game nights, and out-of-town trips.