Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.

2 PETER 3:18

Sunday Morning Overview

Weekly Corporate Prayer

We pray for our church and the worship service using God’s Word as our guide.

Children’s Worship Time

Our children gather together to worship in the Children’s Area before going to their individual Growth Classes.

New Wine Chinese Fellowship

New Wine Fellowship is a Chinese-language ministry which seeks to reach the thousands of Chinese families in our area with the good news of Jesus.

Children’s Growth Classes

9:15a Growth classes: Infants-6th grade
10:30a Nursery is available for children 3 & under
K4-K5 children leave during the worship service for Children’s Church

Learn more on the Children’s Ministry page!

Youth Growth Classes | Grades 7-12

Our youth will go through the book of James using the S.O.A.P method. Our goal is to help the youth know how to study Scripture, apply it to their lives, and learn how to pray using it. Youth separate into three different classes: Middle School, High School Girls, and High School Guys.

1. Middle School – Youth Worship Room
2. High School Girls – Room 120
3. High School Guys – Room 122

Learn more on the Youth Ministry page!

Young Adults Growth Class

Learn more on the Young Adults page!

Adult Growth Classes

The cards above on this page show all the current classes available for Adults on Sundays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


Fellowship in the Gathering Place
Enjoy coffee and fellowship in the Gathering Place at the conclusion of Sunday Morning Growth Classes.

Worship Service

God’s people gather to fellowship, sing, worship, and hear from God’s Word.

Children’s Church

During the worship service, 4K and 5K children participate in play-based Bible activities using Little Kid’s Time™ curriculum, where they discover God’s truth and His great love for us. Nursery is available for children 3 and under during the worship service.


Women’s Monday Morning Study

Mondays 10:00a | Room 301


Tuesday Morning Men’s Study

Tuesdays 6:30-7:30a

Women’s Tuesday Evening Study

Tuesdays except the first Tuesday of the month 7:30p | Offsite

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday Nights at St. Andrews offer a chance to connect mid-week through a meal. After we eat, there are classes available for all ages. Also, if you’re interested in finding ways to help out around the church, we have ongoing projects where you can serve alongside one another. Take time out of your week to come and be part of the church family, be encouraged, and connect with one another. This is also a great opportunity to invite friends to come and get to know our church outside of Sunday Morning Worship.


5:30p Dinner & Fellowship | Great Hall
* weekly menu in worship guide and on this page
* Dinner registration (required) opens the Thursday before the meal and closes on Sunday night

6:00p Youth Group (7th–12th grade) | Youth Area

6:15p Children’s Choir (1st-6th grades) | Room 221
Preschool Choir (4s & 5s) | Room 103
PB&J (Praise, Bible, & Jesus (2s-3s)) | Room 107
Nursery (1 & under) available 6:15-7:30p | Room 106

6:30p Adult Growth Classes | current classes offered are on the cards above

6:55p Kids’ Quest Catechism Club (4K–4th grade) | Rooms 101, 102, 103
MERGE Bible Study (5th–6th grade) | Room 100

7:20p Choir | Room 220

Children’s Ministry Programming

PB&J | 6:15-7:30p
Our children (ages 2-3) participate in PB&J (Praise, Bible, & Jesus), a time for singing, a Bible story, and playtime with peers. The Bible story lesson incorporates crafts, games, and other activities to help them discover who God is and how much He loves them.

Preschool Choir & Catechism | 6:15-7:30p
Our 4’s and 5’s have their very own choir and Catechism class where they learn and study God’s Word.

Children’s Choir | 6:15-6:50p
In Children’s Choir, children (1st–6th grade) will play a variety of instruments, sing praise songs, and learn to read music.

Catechism Club | 6:55-7:30p
Immediately following choir, children (4K–4th grade) are divided into age groups where they study the Kids’ Quest!™ Catechism Club curriculum. This curriculum teaches children Bible truths through simple questions and answers. It promotes memorization using components of Bible teaching, games, activities, and more. Children have the opportunity to earn points and “shop” at the Catechism Store twice a year.

MERGE (5th–6th grade) Bible Study | 6:55-7:30p
Students meet for Bible study and use What’s Up? Curriculum. Students discover how to be a follower of Christ in real-life everyday situations.

Youth Group

Join us at 6:00 p.m. for Youth Group. The night begins with a fun, group game, then our Youth Praise Team leads us in a time of singing. We then move into our lesson time, followed by small groups. Join us as we study various topics, ranging from the will of God, Christian living, and other topics.
Location: Youth Area, 6:00-7:30 PM.

 Adult Growth Classes

Current classes offered are on the cards above


Adults 55+ Bible Study

Location: Room 205 and local restaurants, first and third Thursdays 10:00a. Begins September 5, 2024

Perception Ministries: Men’s Spiritual Warfare And Tactics

Thursdays 6:30p, Youth Area

Spiritual Warfare Growth Class