Each week of June and July, we will post videos and activities your family can do at home. These digital resources will include many of the types of things we would typically do at Camp JAM (Jesus, Arts, & More) and activities from each of our categories—Hands-On, Movement, Music, Worship, and Bible—but will be shaped for the whole family to enjoy! Only minimal supplies will be needed.

Though we can’t be together, we will still do our very best to minister to the whole child, training them to apply the gifts, talents, and abilities that God has blessed them with so that they may be bright lights for Christ through their thoughts, actions, work, and play.

We will also be providing a checklist for your child(ren) to print out and complete each week. Once Week 9 has been completed, email or mail this sheet back for a certificate of completion and a fun prize!

Please feel free to share this with your friends and neighbors! We hope that your family will benefit from and enjoy this gift from Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church.

Click on the video to see a message about FAM JAM from Jeanette Simpson, Director of Children’s Ministry.

Let’s have a great summer as we focus as a FAMily on Jesus, Arts, & More!

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