Sergey and Lyuda Betin


Sergey is the pastor of the Presbyterian church in Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, Ukraine. We have two children and three grandchildren.

Here is an overview of the different ministries we have, with photos below:

  • Men of Valour Ministry. A few months ago we began having men’s breakfasts in the church once a week. We put a lot of effort into training new leaders.
  • Women’s Ministry.  The women of our church meet twice a month for a Bible class and fellowship. We are organizing a support group for abused women in our community.
  • Youth Ministry. We are very excited about the work that God is doing in our young people. We see their spiritual growth and how God changes their hearts. We are very glad to see them serve senior people, and help organize different events in the church. We see how excited they are to be together. We also praise the Lord for our youth leaders Ivan Pushkarevsky and Paul Lukoshkin. They made the decision to go to seminary.
  • Ministry to Refugees.  In 2014 Russia started aggression against Ukraine and occupied the eastern territory of our country. A lot of people from the east came to our town and it was a great opportunity for our church to serve these people and show them the love of Christ. We are still ministering to some families who have disabled members. Three families have joined our church.
  • Prison Ministry.  The women in our church do a Bible study through correspondence with the prisoners who serve life sentences.
  • Medical Ministry.  Christian medical clinic, the place where doctors work according to the principles of Christian ethics, where patients can get physical and spiritual help
  • Drama Ministry.  Communicating the gospel through drama.
  • Christian Counseling and Support Groups.  There are so many people suffering from depressions, anxiety, fears around us. War veterans having PTS and are trying to medicate themselves with alcohol and drugs. They desperately need Christ who is the answer to their problems.
  • Music Outreach.  We have classical music concerts. We invite people from the community to the concerts and share the Good News with them.
Sergey and Lyuda Betin



Men of Valour ministry
Sunday school
Music outreach
Drama ministry
Medical ministry